25 Dec 2012

Merry Christmas to all my family and friends!

Another long year is about to wrap up.  Although we've had the regular ups and downs of life, this year hasn't been too bad at all.  Sure, I had some minor surgery.  Sure, Cheryl had horrible sciatica.  And, sure this year, our bodies have really made the point that we're getting old... old and creaky.

But now I am aware more than ever that I have been so lucky to find kind, sweet wife.  My mom has had more time to travel with her good friends.  My neice is growing up to be a fun, zany, smart little girl.  Both my mom and brother have been able to come and visit me at my home, where I can play host to them (albeit briefly).  A lot of fun times this year and, if anything, there's been more laughter than normal

I know that I am blessed... but not everybody has had a great year.  I mean, this year hasn't been momentous... but nothing really bad happened, no tears had been shed.  For those who have struggled a bit too long this year, who have felt the overwhelming pressure of life, who have had their heart broken one too many times... I can only say to be strong.  And hope.  Hope that the new year will bring new chances.  Hope that the new year will bring new friendships, and strengthen old ones.  Hope that the light at the end of the tunnel will glow just a bit brighter.

To all my friends, Merry Christmas and have a freakin' awesome New Year!




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